Rivers of Gold Mountain Bike Tour
In this issue of the Kenfrost Homes corner, we take a step away from civil works and housing construction and take a moment to look out into the community as we often do, at a particular charity that takes in families who have been affected by a sick or injured child – Ronald McDonald House Charities North Australia.

RMHC do a fantastic job across their five programs in North Australia including the RMHC House at Townsville hospital, the Family Room also at Townsville hospital, Palm Cove Family Retreat, the Learning Program featuring a suite of educational services, and the Hospitality Cart in Mt Isa helping families with boredom busters and essential living items and snacks.
In 2021 the inaugural RMHC fundraiser ride took place from Cairns to the Cape. 30 riders took part and each embarked on their own sponsorship campaign and altogether raised a staggering $256,000! In 2022 the ride was going to change course and follow the gold rush through the Palmer River region. But the Brisbane floods had other ideas affecting a number of riders from the tour in 2021. All signs were pointing to cancelling the 2022 tour.
We, at Kenfrost Homes, had a lengthy discussion and came to the conclusion that with all the organisation that had gone in already, it would be a real shame if the event could not proceed. “Raising money is hard work, it takes a lot of effort to make a successful event.” Kenfrost Homes marketing coordinator Alex Loughton said. “This fundraiser had a proven track record, and was ready made to potentially raise another quarter of a million, it just needed a nudge, so we have committed a further $60,000 for a total of $70,000 to this event for it to succeed in 2022” he said.
Lauren Cooksey has been a volunteer for RMHC and knows first hand the importance of the fundraiser helping families in need. “Doing the event last year was in honour of our twin girls that we lost 10 years ago. So to hear that Kenfrost Homes came back on board as a major sponsor and then again delivered extra funds to keep the ride going in 2022 is absolutely amazing.” She said.

The currency across the programs is delivered as ‘nights accommodation’ and equates to approximately $160 per night for a family to stay at the house or the retreat. “Last year we raised $256,000 and we would love to see that again this year. $250,000 goes a long way to helping families like my own that have had to use the services at RMHC” Cooksey noted.
Kenfrost Homes invites anyone that is keen to join the mountain bike tour to check out the link https://bit.ly/RiversOfGoldRMHC . Each rider should have a moderate to high level of fitness (It does not need to be elite) and the tour organisers at Cape York Mountain Biking Tours will have further specifications at the link above. Once we have filled the tour, each rider will get a dashboard and profile to accept donations similar to Movember or The World’s Greatest Shave inniative.
The Rivers of Gold Tour from August 20-27th 2022 will be an epic journey of discovery and camaraderie that you will never forget and all the money raised will help RMHC families in need.